Monday, 31 December 2007

Dare we dream big in 2008...

What a year 2007 has given me..we are into the very last day of it...I thought 2006 was bad with dad's passing and me hunting high and low for a job and my endless problems with Jason.

Though the year started with a bang with all the good happenings bestowed on me but alas everything sort of went downhill. If you have read my older posts you will know. Little did I know that the worst was yet to come. Constantly, I was under peer pressure, work stress and the internal rage within myself. There were many times I would have think I have lost it. Cut the story short, here are the list of all good and bad things that happened in 2007:-

The Good.....

1) Joining Spade Communication

2) Being best friend to the Creative Group Head

3) Getting promoted immediately upon confirmation

4) Going to Bali

5) Walking away from my relationship with Jason

6) Controlling my temper

7) Quit smoking for a month

8) Finding Amazing Grace

9) A wonderful friend in my Court Jester

10) Getting a new handphone

The Bad....

1) Accused of being unfaithful by Jason

2) Dumped by a very dear friend

3) Paying RM2K for a fantastic apartment but did not move in

4) Car getting towed all because of a bounced cheque

5) Falling down in the toilet and breaking my front tooth

6) Being misunderstood

7) Smoking again

8) Ending my friendship with the Creative Group Head

9) Couldn't control office polilitics between Servicing & Creative

10) Not having a fantabulous Christmas and New Year as I promised myself

There we go.. would not know what the year next will bring. I learnt my lesson well past 12 months. How to deal with people in the office, and hold my tongue whenever necessary, my know it is not easy for me. We are all humans and we commit errors and some of those mistakes we made are beyond repair. I am as fragile as any of you fellas out there. And at least I can do something about it now...

Thanks Elena, ET & Leelian..whom have been supportive all these while when I was in need. I love you guys!!!

New Year Resolution...none really. No point making them if we can't keep them. Just hope a smooth & better year in 2008 thats all.

To look for the "Missing Piece" ...there will be no white flag above my door.

May your year abound with "GOD"S blessing everywhere you turn.

Happy New Year All.

Monday, 17 December 2007

Merry Be-Early Christmas, my friends.

Ho ho ho....a week more to the most anticipated time of the year. Is it going to be a "White Christmas" or a "Blue Christmas"?
How many of you actually have cleared your shopping list or are you one of those who love to do last minute shopping at bargain price?? Surprisingly, I have done mine pretty early this year...better to get it done before the dough runs out. Plenty on the list but then again I ain't Santa Claus, I am not here to play Jesus and I am not in such a 'giving' mood this 2007. So I have decided I will only give to those that deserve it. Let me see...I can count it within my ten fingers.
I think I should be heading for Christmas Mass on the eve (oh..I forgot, I have a Christmas party to attend!!!). It has been months since I last stepped into church and chatted with God. Probably need to sing Amazing Grace to save a wretch like me, hear the angels sing and look at the stars beneath my feet.
As we approach the new year, I am wondering whether it is possible for myself to find a quiet destination, away from the hustle and bustle of life and for once re-assess myself as a normal being...find time to read a book, buy a newspaper, take time to smell the rose or just merely pick up those old records and play it on the turntable. I would call that "A reflection of my life". I am surrounded by millions of people but I am still alive. Aren't we all grateful?
For me, it's standing in line. I absolutely hate to "waste time"; I live my life at a frenetic pace and don't want anything to get in my way of doing all I have to get done in a day. Until recently, I was the person in the line huffing and rolling my eyes at the wait, jiggling and looking at my watch every few seconds. And when I finally made it to the counter, I was too aggravated from having to wait to be pleasant to the person on the other side of the counter. But since life is full of line, I finally decided to change my approach. Instead of being annoyed, I decided to see waiting in line as a wonderful opportunity to slow down, take a few conscious breaths. No doubts the wait was long as ever - but I am grateful for the chance to stop.
Christmas is a wonderful time for each and everyone of us to forgive and give thanks to what we have now. Thanksgiving day is a good beginning to be with the family...hmmm "What if' the whole family were together at Thanksgiving and the turkey exploded?" That will be least there is something to talk about for years to come..*grins*
Remember rights that I did wrong. I am not calling for a second chance..I am screaming at the top of my voice, give me a reason but don't give me choice coz I just make the same mistake again. And maybe someday we will meet and maybe talk and not just speak, don't buy the promises cos there are no promises I keep and my reflection troubles me.
2008 will definitely be a better year for me. I am determined not to sink into bitterness of what has happened in 2007. While there are plenty of things in life to be justifiably annoyed (like the idiot $@#%^&*%^) angry, or hurt at, that doesn't mean that I should completely ignore the beautiful, good and touching people around me. I seriously want my soul to shine with an overflowing of love.
The world is suddenly transformed into a beautiful wonderland this Christmas, in which we are all invited to play.
Joy to the world, Joy to you and me.
It will be the "Brightest Christmas" in my eyes.
Have a blessed and memorable Yuletide everyone!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.