Friday, 29 February 2008

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Blue Rose


If life is full of questions, are we living to find the answers?

I'm terrified I'm making a huge mistake BUT I don't want to stop it, I want to watch it take its course and hope to GOD I don't crash.

It's not about giving up, it's about taking a step back and letting things happen as they should instead of trying to make things happen, if it's meant to'll be.



True love is when you can silently sit across from each other and know what the other one is thinking

"LOVE: The irresistable desire to be irresistable desired"

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Work of Art - Love 2008

Yo people..take a break from work and have a look at this. Its wonderfully amazing!!

The beauty and wonders of art and its creator...

It just managed to lighten my day, yours too I hope...

Have a good day & God Bless!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Life as it is....

As agreed, please walk on by
Walk on by beside me
My bottle is dry and my hands are heavy
I'm dragging my feet and why won't you carry me

Walk on by, walk on beside me
Walk away, walk with me my decree
Walk along straight line to be free
Walk as how you want you to be

Goodbye gleaming night lights
Save a flicker for a path we walk along
My back is broken yet I'll be strong
I'll dance gently to a solemn song

Light up a lonely road - so I could see the sky
My hands are heavy and my bottle is dry
Goodbye - oh the sweet surrender if goodbye
I'll find other ways to fly

Monday, 25 February 2008

X Smoke, X Drinks

Recently I read the newspaper that Gazza has been admitted to hospital due to excessive drinking...sigh. The great George Best died because of that too and so did many others whether they are known or unknown personalities.
I think it is about time as well I will announce that I shall and I will quit both the above. Somehow as much as I love to drink, I realised after drinking it makes me a different person and not a very good person so to say. Drinks run my emotions. I tend to say hurtful things which I am not supposed to. I am a mean person when I consume too much. I lose myself, I have no control over my temper and worst I wake up smelling like alcohol in the morning! It tires me out each time....
This past weeks I have been drinking and smoking rather excessively and it is not doing both my lungs and livers any good either.
Before it gets worst, before I lose you, lose myself and lose everything it has to stop now.
As agreed, please walk away should I break my promise to you....
Thanks for looking out for me. I will not disappoint you again.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Why are we at war with each other?

Normally, I thought CNY brings good luck to everyone...guess this time I was wrong again.
Why are we at each other's throat so much? After what happened in 2007, do we need to take this path again? I bruised you, you bruised me, we all bruised so easily..infact too easily.
Well I don't know about the others but I am really tired of all these. My team at war with other team under the same roof. Are we all letting our emotions running our decision and controlling our daily moods? Can someone give me an answer for that? It is draining every single of my heart beat and I am afraid it might just kill me and drive away the rest of them someday.
Everyone is so tensed up. Coming to work is like a bomb waiting to explode! We are walking on very very thin ice. And someone will has to pay for it when it breaks.

Aren't we all supposed to be passionate about our work huh? What the hell trigger all these or who the hell trigger it? Why? Are all these catfights necessary? Is it worth it? In the end we just hurt each other even more.
Though I survived the Baptism Of Fire, my heart no longer feel for Spade.
Someone please pull the trigger....

Monday, 11 February 2008

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That save a wretch like me...
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see

Twas Grace that taught..
my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved..
How precious did Grace appear
the hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares..
we have already come
T'was Grace that bought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home

The Lord has promise good to me...
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be..
as long as life endures

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me...
I once was lost but now am found,
was blind, but now I see"

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself...

Happiness is having you in my "garden of eternal bliss'

Funny how the world revolve around each of us..we just never know what will bring us next or what to expect. To expect the unexpected is such a powerful yet truthful 4 words.

Today is the 5th day of the Chinese Lunar Year of the rodden. How time flies, just last week everyone were so eagerly anticipating the arrival of CNY and now with ablink of an eyelit we are into the 6th day by tomorrow and all of us are a year older...sigh. Surprisingly though this year CNY has been relatively quiet compared to the past few years. Not much fireworks around, didn't see any lion dance at all...least not for this year. I have been eating and drinking like a horse...yesterday I finally vommited my guts out!!! And honestly I felt good after that!!!

You know the beautiful old parchment in which the sun and the moon keeps their is the most ravishing place ever I come acrossed so far. Somehow it managed to retain all my love for it and most importantly my sanity during that period. Short but was absolutely deserved though. That was the best I have ever felt for a long time to come.

I remain faithfully to "you" as I first saw you the first time on 11 January 2007 at 7pm and thirteen months later where the lights went down the horizon.

At least you were happy and smiling for me then and I say 'yes' you looked wonderful that night and every other night......