Wednesday 8 August 2007

Some people are so dramatic and fake!!!

Ever come across people who are really annoying and irritating in whatever they do? Don't understand why I am trying to say? Well, let me enlighten you my fellow friends or whoever you are.

I would like to refer them as 'oxy morons' or 'attention seekers' to be more precise. Like "Drama Minggu Ini", they love to be involved in everything even if it doesn't concern them at all. They just like to be a part of every god damn thing!! They are so bloody busybody that out of nowhere you will see their head popping up in unwanted situation where the conversation has nothing to with them. They just barge in as if the world only revolve around them. Also, not forgetting to say they are FASTER THAN A BULLET TRAIN IN KEPOHCHENESS AND AS LOUD OR THE LOUDEST IN BROADCASTING THEMSELVES....A SPOT ABOVE CNN!!!These people just want to have the finest stuffs, they get jealous easily.....they think they are the best. THEY JUST WANT TO BE NUMERO UNO!!!!

Further more, they can't stand it if someone else have something that are better than theirs. They love to show off, they like to get sympathy when they are sick or for anything that matters. They are rude, they whine like hogs and have no sense of manners!!Tsk tsk tsk...get a life!!

Most of the times they try to act smart but they are not and normally it backfires! I feel sorry for them for being so ignorant...practically they make a fool out of themselves without ever noticing it and the sick thing is they think they are co cute!!! That is so pathetic...I rather be in the company of a wild boar! At least they are not phony!!God help them.

So if you want to be a faker...please take lessons and make sure you come out good and don't let me catch you with your double crosser!! For I am a greater prentender than you are!!

Oh...okay fine, run to mummy and cry now....shame of you!!

Are you one of them?

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