Wednesday 18 July 2007

I Quit!

Fag, coffin nail, butt, gasper, cancer stick...whatever it is...I would rather call it "Killers that travel in packs"
Been smoking for awhile now. Did stopped for 2 years way back in the early 90s and due to influence of others picked it up again until that one fateful night of July 6 2007, I guess enough is enough..I officially quit smoking.
It has been a week now and I am feeling fine really though at times the
craving is terribly bad especially when work load is at maximum gear with all the unwanted stress going around.
In life I think we need to compensate and sacrifice certain things. For me I have decided to sever this relationship with the Marlboro Man after the only person who cared and loved me discarded me. You might say it is a way to redeem myself..sigh.
Yeah,of course when my friends smokes infront of me I will be tempted but I am good so far and shall be pretty please with myself if I can pull through. The only time I will be tested fully will be when I am drinking...alcohol I mean. Ciggys are the best compliment! No doubts I am struggling at times when I am depress and need a puff badly. So far I am in "cruise control".
Do I have the mental capacity to withstand nicotine?
Call me if you want to know....

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