Friday 15 June 2007

Summer of June

Hot air of summer is here....not that we have any choices to choose from really. How pathetic......its super freaking hot in the day and it then one minute it will be pouring cats and dogs!!

Thank God its Friday you were saying...bullshit! Today was not a normal Friday! We had to do a God damn presentation internally in the office! Because of that the last few days were hell...preparations, memorising words, facial expressions....oh so bitch time consuming.

It turned well seriously...I mean seeing the girls presenting for the first time. Alexia was good and had this twang and slang on her. Wan Lee...our new copywriter was cool from the preparation at all. Me...hmmm no comments! The moment James started "tink tink tink" I was side tracked!! Thank you!

Audrey, the Creative Head..have to take my hats for her! She came in with a full power point presentation. Nico...good try without referring to her notes. The trainee Yit Mei...fu-yoh yoh....multiples salutes to her! No preparations at all! I mean here we were for the past few days prancing around like chickens without heads....she was like a pro!! With her smattering English where climbing mountains became "crambing mountains"'s hard not to laugh especially when you have Alexia sitting next to you! Then came the singing part...."Astro Talent Search"... I am sorry, bloody sorry but I just cant control myself....shut up I am trying not to laugh! She can goyang some more...and I think she was struggling with the high notes! Oh...i think it was something from NKTOB!!(David told me). The wonderful thing is while doing that she did not even bat a single eyelid of hers! Screw all your laughing man. Definitely an eye opener!! Well done Yit Mei!!

David, though abit lengthy but was able to talk about his passion. Kelly aka Ms Chen..she will be be a "Superstar" one day. Cant wait to hear here sing to us. Lastly, Kopi Queen Yuki...thunderous applause for her!

Good job people...I love you guys! I only wish PohYe was around....that will be absolutely fun!! eventful Friday. Oh yes...and the bosses recorded the entire presentation...sigh.

isshh...just saw my own presentation on video...I was standing senget bengetlah...damn

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